We are YOUR Community Center! image

We are YOUR Community Center!

Help OCC stay vital and continue to pivot another year.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

2021 is proving to be a long, emotional year. The spring brought light after what was presumed to be the end of the Covid-19 shut-down, but, after briefly opening in March, the Delta variant pushed us back into the land of cautious living. The ups and downs rippled through the community, yet we held on tightly to one another. The Oxford Community Center was proud to serve as a source of comfort, activity, communion, vitality and safety. Thank you for joining us at a health class, or on a zoom program, or with your lawn chair for a concert, or at a Pop-Up outdoor art show, or on YouTube for a speaker program or in the front driveway picking up your carry-out meal. Thank you for staying close during these times of separation. Our goal to combat isolation and renew your hearts and minds remains strong and, with your continued support, we can hold steady and strong for another year to come.